# bin2signed function for MATLAB (alternatively Octave)

MATLAB, Octave @ 30 October 2010

As I am doing some signal processing stuff on FPGA I needed a function showing me the signed version of the binary numbers. In simulator it is easy but in Matlab it is not. I hope you find it useful.

function [result] = bin2signed(a)
% bin2signed(a)
% a is a matrix of binary numbers and result is signed representation of a
birler = find(a == '1');
sifirlar = find(a == '0');
len = length(a(1,:));
cikan = 2^(len-1)-1;
b = bin2dec(a);
cokbuyukler = find(b>cikan);
if isempty(cokbuyukler)
    b(cokbuyukler) = b(cokbuyukler)-2^len;
eksitamlar = find(b == 2^(len-1));
if isempty(eksitamlar)
    b(eksitamlar) = -2^(len-1);
result = b;

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